Mandarin Chinese Product Quizzes: Say It In Mandarin Chinese Lessons 6-10

These online quizzes are based on the Lessons in Transparent Language's Say It In Mandarin Chinese.

I. Grammar Exercises: Multiple Choice
Instructions: Select the response that best completes each of the sentences below.

Example: 你要去中国____?

1. 我们要迟到____.

2. 他们____中文水平有很大的进步.

3. 你看见我的词典____?

4. 如果你找不到,就用我的____.

5. 北京是中国____首都.

II. Grammar Exercises: Fill in the Blank
Instructions: Select the response that best completes each of the sentences below.

Example: 他要____北京烤鸭.

1. 汤姆想买____文具.

2. 这件女式大衣颜色很好, 让我来____.

3. 这支笔____那支笔长.

4. 如果明天下雪, 我们____;不上课.

5. 汤姆____读一本中文小说.

6. 迈克读书读____很快.

7. 现在____十点了.

8. 北京____二零零八年夏季奥运会主办城市.

9. 如果你找不到, 就____我的词典吧.

10. 你的书____吗?

III. Match the Translation
Instructions: Select the best English translation for each of the following Chinese words.

Example: 现在

1. 中心

2. 很好

3. 首都

4. 气象预报

5. 因为

6. 可是

7. 以前

8. 九月

9. 总共

10. 着急

IV. Match the Translation
Instructions: Select the best Chinese translation for each of the following English words.

Example: month

1. time

2. airport

3. pronunciation

4. novel

5. this year

6. summer

7. city

8. warm

9. merchandise

10. color

V. True/False
Instructions: Read each statement carefully. If the sentence is true, select the button in front of the "T". If the statement is false, select the button in front of the "F".

Example: 安娜到图书馆借书.

1. 安娜打算买一包中国茶寄给她母亲.
2. 安娜找到了她喜欢的中国绿茶.
3. 汤姆选了一支中国毛笔.
4. 香港是中国的首都.
5. 北京是二零零八年夏季奥运会主办城市.
6. 每天清晨, 男女老少在公园里打太极拳.
7. 汤姆比安娜高.
8. 迈克写字写得不如汤姆的好.
9. 海伦是迈克的好朋友.
10. 安娜和海伦的航班十点起飞.

When you have answered all of the questions, press the Evaluate button.

To start over, press the Reset button.

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