Spanish Language Blog

Noche de Reyes Posted by on Jan 5, 2012 in Spanish Culture

Esta es una noche mágica para todos los pequeños de España: ¡vienen los Reyes Magos! Aunque muchos se han pasado a Papa Noel, por aquello de recibir pronto los regalos y disfrutar de ellos durante las vacaciones navideñas, esta noche no ha perdido aún su encanto.

Para encontrar nuestro regalo bajo el árbol en la mañana del día 6, hay que dejar los zapatos muy bien limpios junto a él, o en la ventana. Los niños han de irse prontito a la cama, y por supuesto dormir del tirón: no vale hacer trampa para intentar ver a estos entrañables señores, pues podrían enfadarse y dejarnos sin nada. Y es todo un detalle si dejamos un poco de agua para calmar la sed de los camellos tras su largo viaje, y algún aperitivo para los magos.

Cada año, cuando se acerca la navidad, todos escribimos una carta a los Reyes Magos, que podemos entregar en mano al paje real, enviar a través de correos (si, tienen un servicio especial lo creáis o no), o bien por mail ya que la tecnología lo domina todo, y sus majestades tienen ADSL. Claro, por eso son magos. En ella pedimos cualquier regalo que deseemos recibir, pero solo nos lo traerán si durante el año nos hemos portado bien. De ahí el nerviosismo propio del día de hoy en muchos pequeños, al pensar cuantas veces dejaron la verdura en el plato, no hicieron los deberes, o hicieron rabiar a su hermano pequeño, porque es posible que en vez de regalos reciban carbón. En ocasiones, aunque el regalo esté junto al árbol, también aparece ese delicioso carbón dulce, que es como un tironcito de orejas de los magos de oriente que todo lo saben, para que en el año que corre enmendemos nuestro comportamiento.

Así que como yo tengo mis dudas, y prefiero desayunar roscón de reyes a carbón dulce, hoy tomaré doble ración de verdura, y me iré muy temprano a dormir. Espero que por lo menos que me dejen uno de los regalos de mi lista: un mundo diferente y mejor.  ¡Y para vosotros que vengan cargaditos de magníficos presentes!


Tonight is a magical night for all the little ones in Spain: the Three Wise Men are coming! Though many families have defected to Santa Claus, in order to receive their presents earlier and enjoy them during the Christmas vacation, this night hasn’t lost its charm yet.

To find our present under the tree the morning of the 6th, it is necessary to leave our very clean shoes next to it, or on the window. Children have to go to bed early, and obviously sleep right through the night: you can’t cheat trying to get a peek of these pleasant old men, because they might get angry and leave us without presents. And it would be nice if we leave a bit of water to quench the camels’ thirst after their long trip, and some snacks for the Wise Men.

Every year, when Christmas time is approaching, we all write a letter to the Three Wise Men, that we can deliver in hand to the royal page, send through the post office (yes, they have a special service, believe ir or not), or by e-mail, since technology controls everything, and Their Majesties have DSL. Obviously, because they are magicians. In it we ask for any gift we want to receive, but they will only bring them if during the year we have behaved appropriately. That’s the reason for the agitation in our children today, when thinking of all the times they left vegetables in their plate, did not do their homework, or teased their little brothers, because it is possible that instead of gifts they receive coal. Sometimes, although the present is by the tree anyway, there also appears this delicious sweet coal, which is like the Wise Men, who know everything, give us a small tweak of ears, in order to encourage us to correct our behavior in the present year.

So, as I have my doubts, and I prefer having breakfast with a Roscón de Reyes (large ring-shaped cake baked for Epiphany) rather than with some sweet coal, today I will a double serving of vegetables, and will go to bed really early. I hope that at least they will leave me one of the gifts from my list: a different and better world. And for you, that they bring a lot of wonderful presents!

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!


  1. Nancy Zachor:

    Explanation in Spanish and English or the 3 magos